This is the most sawed after piece in Perna's repertoire and now it can be yours!
With Eidolon, you will be able to hold up a tarot card and have the participant be able to guess exactly what that tarot card is all on their own.
The performer or the participant can pull the card out and you will still be able to have the participant guess what is on the tarot card.
There are no forcing techniques here or psychological ploys, instead, it is a method completely different and organic that makes you feel like you are doing real magic!
There is no instant stooging, just a journey that you take with the participant to have them guess aspects on the tarot card. This is a perfect way for you to start doing your readings with tarot cards and it is very fun to do!
I will also go over a safety net that you can use if you realize that this starts to go wrong.
This is a new realm that Perna hopes you are ready to step into because you will be recognized as a sorcerer when you perform this!
Get Eidolon today and get ready to blow some minds!